I've been working on a TnT list. Could you help me to polish it?
I've been working on a TnT list. Could you help me to polish it? https://www.moxfield.com/decks/_qHrZ6hjvUaHkRPP4Gpy9g
Aquatic Farm (Tymna/Thrasios) [cEDH] - Commander (Tymna the Weaver / Thrasios, Triton Hero)
We are playing a Blue Farm-ish deck but with Green instead of Red: The Primer (Under Construction) by: Bojito Thrasios, Triton Hero](https://i.imgur.com/tKjVycw.png) ![Tymna the Weaver - Introduction Aqua Farm, as a like to call it because its similarity to Blue Farm, is a competitive deck fea...
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